
Holland Park Primary School takes seriously its responsibility to protect and safeguard the welfare of children and young people in its care.

“The welfare of the child is paramount” (the Children Act 1989).

Section 175 of the Education Act 2002 (Section 157 for Independent schools) places a statutory responsibility on the governing body to have policies and procedures in place that safeguard and promote the welfare of children who are pupils in the school.

Our first and foremost priority is to keep your child safe and healthy; there are safeguarding notices around our school to remind staff and visitors of our policies and practices with the key message that: “Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, every day”. Under the Ofsted framework, safeguarding is a key indicator of what constitutes a good school.

Safeguarding Contacts For Holland Park Primary School

Designated Safeguarding Leads

  • Mr Matthew Moseley, Headteacher

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads

  • Mrs Andrea Blyth, Deputy Headteacher
  • Mrs Rachel Waller, Assistant Headteacher and SENCO
  • Mrs Lisa Penn, Family Liaison Worker
  • Mrs Angela Hope, Learning Mentor
  • Mrs Sarah Edwards, Pupil Behavior and Well-being lead

Designated Safeguarding Governor

  • Mrs Julie Searles


  • Aquinas School Attendance Provisions
  • Mrs Maria Tilbury, Welfare Assistant

Safer Recruitment

  • Mr Matthew Moseley
  • Mrs Andrea Blyth
  • Mrs Rachel Waller
  • Mrs Debbie Maclean
  • Mr Keith Walker

Local Visits Co-ordinator

  • Mr Matthew Moseley