Author archive for Nigel Lake

  • Nov282023

    Year 4 at Clacton Coastal Academy for the Play-it! Live day.

    Today, Tuesday 28th November 2023, we went to Clacton Coastal Academy school and took part in a day of marvellous…

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  • Oct272023

    Music Lessons – learning the ukulele.

    Class 4 Boudicca has been learning to play the ukulele with the help of the music tutor, Mr. Kevin Wright,…

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  • Mar312023

    bread product bread product (1) For our Design Technology project this half term,  we designed and made our bread-based product…

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  • Jan172023

    It’s Electrifying!!

    During the second half term, 4B’s science lessons have all been about electricity.  The children had lots of fun trying…

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  • Jan172023

    Year 4 Colchester Castle Trip

    On Thursday 12th January 2023, Year 4 spent the day at Colchester Castle as part of our history unit on…

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